Mortal Combat, all the GTA games, Bully, Dead Space, oh, and em... Death Race are just a few examples of the MANY video games to be attacked for their 'violent' nature.

Portrayals of violence inevitably became more realistic with time, so much so that politicians such as U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman conducted hearings during the 1990s regarding what he referred to as "violent video games" which, in his opinion, included such games as Mortal Kombat.
Lt. Col. David Grossman, even wrote several books that pertain to the subject of violence in these 'unrestrained' games. During the countless heights of video game controversy he has been interviewed on the content of his books, and has repeatedly used the term "murder simulator" to describe first-person shooter games. He argues that video game publishers unethically train children in the use of weapons and, more importantly, harden them emotionally to the act of murder by simulating the killing of hundreds or thousands of opponents in a single typical video game. Grossman's conclusions unsurprisingly came underfire by some scholars, however, as highly selective and misleading.
Official records show that violent crime rates have declined dramatically since the early 1990s in the USA, among both juveniles and adults. This is despite sales of violent video games exploding and their content becoming increasingly graphic during the same period. Researchers have even found that people serving time for violent crimes generally consume less media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population. It's true that young offenders who have committed school shootings in America have also been game players. But how many young people do not play games? The overwhelming majority of kids who do play do NOT actually commit antisocial acts. Video game violence is obviously not the primary contributor to violence.
So why do some researchers continue to argue that video games are dangerous despite evidence to the contrary?”
Probably because they have some ulterior motives.
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