Wednesday, March 30, 2011

YouTube Gaming Community

Just starting out in the YouTube gaming community but struggling to gain a fan base? Maybe you just want to network with other gamers to share subs?

We recently created a new YouTube community channel with the overall aim of helping promote 'the small guys' in the gaming community, by advertising their own YouTube channels through uploaded videos so they can gain more views and subscribers. The top ten submitting channels will be placed in our 'other channels' section. Over time, with a growing fan-base from our video submitters it will become easier to gain followers by submitting content of your own.

How It Works:
1)Send your gaming footage to
2)If we like your content we will upload it.
3)A link to your channel will be place into the description of video.
4)Sit back and enjoy the (hopefully) many new subs!

Only new content can be submitted, be it gameplay commentary, montage, funny gaming related video, etc. As long as it is up to par with our standards,and you are subscribed to the channel then we will accept videos from anyone.

See our channel description for more information!

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